with Séverine Marguin, René Tuma: Von der Empirie zur visuellen Darstellung zum Text: Wie Forschungsergebnisse in und mit Visualisierungen übersetzt und verschriftlicht werden. DGS-Kongress: Polarisierte Welten. Universität Bielefeld. Adhoc Gruppe: Materiale Übersetzung.Textproduktion und Darstellungsprobleme in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. 26.09. – 30.09.2022.
with Jamie Scott Baxter und Séverine Marguin: Hybrid Knowledge/Hybrid Mapping: Decolonising Berlin’s Botanical Gardens. SMUS, SPATIAL METHODS FOR URBAN SUSTAINABILITY, CONFERENCE BRAZIL 2022, 8.09.-10.09.2022
(Keynote) The Story of John/Iwan Demjanjuk. Erinnerungspraktiken in Online-Diskursen am Beispiel eines NS-Kriegsverbrecherprozesses. Literaturwissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium: How to tell stories online (fast?), Deutsches Seminar, Universität Hannover, 14.06.2022
with Kamil Bembnista: Einführung des Spatial Dispositif in eine grenzraum-sensible Diskursforschung. 7. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Posthumanismus, Transhumanismus. Jenseits des Menschen. Panel 16: Entgrenzungen: Posthumanismus und die Kulturwissenschaftliche Grenzforschung. Universität Graz. 27.05.2022
with Séverine Marguin: Qualities of homophilic spaces. Belonging and accessibility in Berlin’s club culture. Workshop: Hologrammatic Quality of Public Spaces. DiSSE/HQPS Sapienza Project in cooperation with SFB 1265 Re-Figuration of Spaces, Sapienza University of Rome, 31.03. – 2-04.22
with Michael Wetzels: Die Refiguration von Grenzräumen – Skalierungen eines trinationalen (Stadt-)Raumes am Beispiel der IBA Basel. Konferenz “Konfliktuelle Kulturpolitik: Räume und Akteur*innen (radikal-)demokratischer Auseinandersetzung” des Projektes “Agonistische Kulturpolitik” (AGONART) des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien, Digitale Konferenz, 27 – 29.01.2022
With Jamie Scott Baxter und Séverine Marguin: Hybrid Knowledge: Hybrid Mapping. A new methodology for socio-spatial research. 18th Annual International Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Conference, Loghborough University 11– 13.11.2021
With Michael Wetzels: Die Refiguration von (städtischen) Grenzräumen – Zur diskursiven Konstruktion eines trinationalen Raumes am Beispiel der IBA Basel. Abschlusskonferenz “Die institutionelle Raumproduktion des Städtischen” des von der DFG geförderten Projektes KORSIT, Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei, Münster, Hybride Konferenz, 20 – 21.10.2021
With Theresia Leuenberger und Michael Wetzels: The Re-Figuration of Trinationality: The discursive construction of cross-border regions using the example of the International Building Exhibition in Basle. Workshop “DiscourseNet26: Post-National Discourses – transnational communication, transversal subjetivities and new forms of nativism in globalised societies”, Digital Workshop, Universität Gießen, 24 – 26.03.2021
(Keynote) (Post)Digital Memory Spaces: Transformation of Memory Culture and Identity. Interdisciplinary conference „How do digital media change our remembering? Experiencing Space-Time in Digitized Worlds“, JFF Institute for Media Education, Munich.25.-27.11.2020
With Séverine Marguin und Ajit Singh: Hybrid Mapping. Benefits and limitations of mapping procedures as methods of sociological spatial research. 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association. 14.-25.09.2020
(Keynote) Everything is mediated. Remembering and Forgetting in a (post)digital age. Institutskolloquium. Institut für Volkskunde / Kulturanthropologie, Universität Hamburg, 08.07.20
(Keynote) Analysis of transmedial Discourses. Winter School: „Applied Discourse Analysis Theoretical Foundations and Current Challenges“ Saarland University, 18.02.20 -19.02.20
Comparatives Perspectives on the border in Polish-German regions. An ethnographic discourse analysis of interstices in a polycentric context. DNC3-ALED (Third DiscourseNet ALED Congress): Knowledge and power in a polycentric world. Discourses across languages, cultures and space. Paris, 11.09.19 – 14.09.19
With Łukasz Rogowski: Visual Diaries of the Border. Methodological Challenges of Researching Everyday Practices with Smartphone Application. ESA, RN 20 – Qualitative Methods”, Manchester, 20.08.19 – 23.08.2019
With Maciej Frąckowiak: Concepts of Social-Spatial transformation: Practices of Debordering and Debordering in German-Polish Border Regions. ESA, RN36 – Sociology of Transformations: East and West, Manchester. 20.08.19 – 23.08.2019
Memory of the Border. Transformation processes in the Polish-German border region in context of remembering and forgetting. Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, 25.06.19 – 28.06.19
(Keynote) The Promise of Hybrid Maps. A critical reflection on mapping as a social science method. imwk | research talks. University of Augsburg, 12.06.19
With Christian Pentzold: Remembering John/Ivan Demjanjuk: Inclusive and Exclusive Frames in Transcultural Holocaust Discourse. 69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Washington D.C. 24.05.19 – 28.05.19
Knowledge and Practices in the german/polish border region: Methodologic and methodical challenges of a multimethodical reserch design. 2. Conference of the qualitiative methods network: Data variety. Potentials and Challenges. University Salzburg. 24.04.19 – 26.04.19
Multimodal Discourse Analysis. 3. Network meeting Memory Studies: Pictures in private and public remembrance, Univeristy Magdeburg-Stendal. 03.04.19 – 05.04.19
(Keynote) Multi-perspective analyses of digital memory practices. A multimodal research program. Winter school Social Semiotics: Medial Tradication – Cultural Transformations in the Digital Age. University Passau. 20.02.19 – 23.02.19
With Christian Pentzold: Translating Memories. The Demjanjuk Trial in Russian, Dutch, German, and U.S. press and social media discourse. ECREA, Lugano, 31.10.18 – 03.11.18
Knowledge about the past in digital publics. Section: Sociology of Media and Communication. DGS-Congress, University Göttingen. 24.09.18 – 28.09.18
Digital transformation of mediated memory. Cultural knowledge about the past in digitized public spheres. Conference Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology. Universität Lüneburg.19.09.18 – 22.09.2018.
with Andreas Bischof: Participatory Research about Mediatized Migrations. Problems, Issues and Conclusions. Symposium on Current Challenges to Mediatized Science Communication. Universität Rostock. 07.06.2018 – 08.06.2018
How I teach applied research in Social Sciences? Guidance of workshop at university didactic center of Technical University Chemnitz. 14.05.2018
„Object Recycling“ in the context of the Sociology of Knowledge approach to Discourse. Methodological considerations on materialised media concepts of refugees. 14th Network Meeting od the Sociology of Knowledge approach to Discourse. 12.04.2018 – 13.04.2018
With Andreas Bischof: Service Learning thorugh participative methods. HDS Forum 2017. Evangelical University Dresden. 10.11.2017
Object-centred method triangulation. Challenges and strategies of an appropriate combination of methods using the example of a multimodal discourse analysis. Expert lecture in the context of the appointment procedure „Junior professorship in social science methodological research with a focus on methodological plural research and combination of methods“. University of Göttingen“. 20.10.2017
With Andreas Bischof: Combining Reconstruction & Construction. Sociological (methodological) knowledge in non-sociological teaching and design contexts. AdHoc group „Undisciplined Sociologising?An exploration of participation possibilities and epistemic practices outside the university standard.“ 38. DGS-Kongress. 26.09.2016-30.09.2016
With Shani Horowitz-Rozen, Christian Pentzold & Shlomo Shpiro: Memory Frames of Nazi War Crimes in Transnational Media Spaces. The Demjanjuk Trials in Israeli, German, U.S., Dutch, and Russian Media Discourse. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Leicester, U.K. (full paper). 27.07.-31.07.16
With Andreas Bischof: Narratives of Mediated Migration in Handcrafted Objects. Media Solutions Through the Eyes and Hands of Refugees. DAAD-„Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa“ der Technical University Chemnitz and University of Milan. „Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe II: Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands“. 1.06. – 5.06.2016
Mediated Memories. Theories of digital memory and concepts of mediatization. Konferenz „(Digital) Media and Social Memories“. Annual Conference of the Working Group „Social Memory, Remembering and Forgetting“ of the Section Sociology of Knowledge. University of Erlangen. 17.03-18.03.16
Analysing memory cultural online discourses. Methodologies, methods and empirical procedure. 12th Network Meeting on the Sociological of Knowledge approach to Discourse Analysis. Free University Berlin. 4.12.-5.12.15
with Christian Pentzold: Analyzing multimodal digital discourse. Methodological foundations, methodical approaches, and research practices for studying discourse in convergent media. Konferenz: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis International Conference, Valencia (panel submission). 19.11.-20.11.15
Discourse ethnography of practices and patterns online. Konferenz: DiscourseNet International Congress #1, Discourse, Language, Society, Critique, Panel: Discursive Practices and Ethnography, Universität Bremen, 24.09.-26.09.2015
With Claudia Fraas; Meier, Stefan & Christian Pentzold: Frames in the Convergent Multimodal Discourse on the John/Ivan Demjanjuk Trial: Methodical Framework and Analytical Process. ICA Annual Conference, San Juan (full paper; Mass Communication section). 21.05.-25.05.15
The Sociological of Knowledge approach to Discourse Analysis (SKAD) as a research programme for the analysis of memory-cultural discourses in the World Wide Web. Methodological and methodological considerations. Conference: The Discursive Construction of Reality II Interdisciplinary Perspectives of a Sociological Discourse Research. University of Augsburg.. 26.03.-27.03.15
Transmedia Discourses. New Forms of Public Spheres? ISA World Congress of Sociology „Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology“, RC07 Rountable II, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. 13.07.-19.07.14
Conceptualising and analysing online discourses in memory culture. Research colloquium at the Chair ‚Social Developments and Structures‘ Prof. Dr. Oliver Dimbath & Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gill, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. 17.04.14
Feeling the past. Mediated Memories and Emotions. ESA 11th Conference “Crisis, Critique and Change”, 13RN11 “Mediated Emotions”, Università degli studi di Torino. 28.08. – 31.08.13.
Discourse practices and patterns online. Methodological foundations and implications. ESA 11th Conference “Crisis, Critique and Change”, 02RN20 Roundtable session: New issues in qualitative research II, Università degli studi di Torino. 28.08. – 31.08.13
The study of web-based communication in the context of a multimodal online discourse analysis. Conference „The Qualitative Analysis of Internet-based Data“, Institute for Qualitative Social Research (IQS). Freiburg 09.11.-10.11.2012
Personal and collective memory making in the World Wide Web – history from below? The 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology („Social Justice and Democratization“). Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in Sociology (RC33). Session F “Analyzing communities on the Internet”. Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 1.08.–8.08.2012
Memory Work on the Web. The Online Discourse on the Demjanjuk Trial. Jubiläumskonferenz „Discourse, Communication, Conversation“, organisiert von der Discourse and Rhetoric Group (DARG)und der Culture and Media Analysis Research Group (CAMARG) an der Loughborough University, 21.03.–23.03.12
Discursive practices of memory-cultural knowledge production on the web. Methodological and methodological challenges. Workshop „Knowledge Cultures“, Herder Institute, Marburg. 19.03.-21.03.2012
Multimodal Analysis of Online Discourses. General Online Research (GOR) 2011, organised by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF). 05.3.- 07.03.2011
Transnational Web Memory? The memory-cultural online discourse around the Demjanjuk trial. IX. International Summer School, Research Academy Leipzig: Crossing National Borders, People, Goods, Capital, and Ideas. Leipzig. 19.09.- 22.09.2011
Memory-cultural knowledge on the web. The online discourse around John Demjanjuk. International and interdisciplinary Summer Academy of the Herder Institute: Knowledge in Flux: Knowledge Cultures and Discursivity of Knowledge in the Face of Processes of Differentiation, Dynamisation and Transnationalisation, Marburg. 12.09. – 16.09.2011
With Christian Pentzold; Claudia Fraas; Meier, Stefan & Galanova, Olga: Analyzing Frames in Multimodal Online Discourse. AILA 2011 (16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics). Beijing. 23.08 -28.08. 2011
With Olga Galanova: Memory cultural online discourses. Conference „Forms and Functions of Social Memories- Social and Cultural Studies Perspectives“. University of Erlangen.
10. – 12.12.2010
New fields of research on the internet. Methodological tools for online discourse analysis. Advanced seminar „The womens movement in Iran“, Free University Berlin, Institute for Sociology. 27.10.2010
Remembering and Forgetting on the Internet. Transnational online Communication on the John Demjanjuk Case. At the 35th Congress of the German Sociological Association, Frankfurt am Main, 11.10.-15.10.2010
with Olga Galanova: New fields of research on the internet. Collection, archiving and analysis of online discourses as digital data. Digital Sciences 2010, Cologne, 20.09-21.09.2010
Methodological tools for data collection and analysis to determine online discourses using the example of the discourse on the trial of John Demjanjuk. Research Workshop Practices and Praxis. Graduate School of Sociology Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. 23.04.-24.04.10
With Stefan Meier: Multimodality in internet discourses – methodological reflections on discursive practice on the internet with the help of the frame approach. III. Workshop on Internet Communication. Seminar at Leibniz University Hanover. 26.03.-27.03.